Umar(Omar) Series (عمر سیریز ) is a Islamic historical Arab television drama Series-serial that was produced and broadcasted by MBC and Qatar TV and directed by the Syrian director Hatem Ali. The series is based on the life of
عمر بن الخطاب ( حضرت عمر فاروق
(رضہ اللہ عنہ ، دوئم خلیفہ
Umar bin-alkhattab (583–644) the second caliph of Islam and depicts his life from 18 years old until the moments of his death.
Hatem Ali (2 June 1962 – 29 December 2020) was a Syrian Television and Cinema director, writer and actor.
It was made at the cost of 200 million Saudi Reyal and filmed in Morocco. 30,000 actors and a technical team from 10 different countries who toiled 300 days to make the 30-part series.Omar series was originally released in Arabic and then dubbed in other languages including Urdu
The series faced large controversy due to its depiction of the four Rashedin Caliphs ( خلفاء راشدین ) along with other characters, who some Muslims believe , should not be depicted much like Muhammad.
Committee members for managing historical context
A board of scholars was created for maintaining the historicity of the script. The major members of the board were:
Yusuf al-Qaradawi , Akram Zia Omari , S al-Awda Abdul Wahab Turairi Ali al-Sallabi Saad Al-Otaibi